About Jacqueline Singh
Emerald Heart Practitioner &
Advanced Divine Plan Healing Practitioner

My first spiritual experiences
Since I was a small child, I was aware of other dimensions in the form of sensing unseen spirts in my bedroom at night. Someone would sit at the end of my bed night after night and would announce their presence by their weight landing on my feet. I was always so frightened to open my eyes and witness them and for some reason never mentioned it to anyone until years later for fear of not being believed.
I managed to bury all notions of such things until my teens when I once again became aware that I could sense & see things other people could not see. This became a problem when I moved into a house where a lot of spirits were moving about and I was constantly aware that I was being watched. They would always be more active at night and sometimes would try to share their stories with me and I felt helpless to know how to help them. I soon learned that it was necessary to pass on messages if they had them to people I knew as I could also sense people suffering on a wider level. In a quest to understand myself further I began to devour spiritual texts attending seminars and courses often on my own and just trusting my personal guidance.
My progression
I learned Reiki attended Reiki shares, sound workshops, drumming groups & spiritual churches to name just a few. I was introduced to the art of Psychometry and found that I was particularly talented in this way. You hold a personal item of someone’s and can feel into their vibration. That person can be on earth or passed over & the insights fascinated me. For a while I offered readings for people as I quickly gained feedback from recipients of the usefulness of the knowledge and it often brought an understanding of their current circumstances that I am unsure would have of been possible in any other way. I then went on to learn about tarot cards and crystal healing. All with long lasting and positive results.
Discovering the Light
It was after a tragic loss in my family that I found The Emerald Heart Light. I experienced a sudden death within my family and in my quest to make sense of it I started to attend a mediation group which also offered additional spiritual guidance. This meditation group – known as an Emerald Heart gathering – was run by Tim Dyson the principal light carrier of The Emerald Heart Light. Little did I know at that time that this first simple step would go on to change my life profoundly. After the very first group meeting, I knew that I had found my spiritual tribe. I was able to experience The Emerald Heart light through deep meditation and gradually a process of healing began to lift the shock and wounding of loss within me. Since this time back in 2017 I have never looked back and being involved with the Emerald Heart Light has become a building block for me. I have encouraged many others to also seek the guidance and wisdom of the light as it has been a complete rebirth for me. I am eternally grateful to Tim and of course The Emerald Heart Light.
Becoming a practitioner
I trained to be an Emerald Heart Practitioner two years after my first meeting back in 2017. I have expanded my workings with the light by becoming an Advanced Divine Plan Healing Practitioner qualifying in 2021. I studied with Harriet Kroon also a principal light carrier for The Emerald Heart Light and at that time Principle Light Bearer of The Divine Plan Healing School. Once qualified I have been able to serve many individuals always leaving me honoured to be of help and fascinated by the changes that The Emerald Heart Light brought to their lives in too many different situations to list. As a Divine Plan Healing Practitioner I would not have been able to assist others in the way that I have it simply would not have been possible.
I would love to discuss ways in which I might be of service to you too. First step if you have any questions about what to expect please request a free discovery call. It would be my pleasure to be working with you as a guide, as a healing practitioner helping you to awaken your inner consciousness and set yourself free. Rekindle & discover your unique blueprint the person you came to earth to be. The Emerald Heart Light is able to clear not just current imbalances but also those from previous life times too – permanently. How amazing is that !
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