Divine Plan Distant Group Healing


  • Beautiful 1 hour healing
  • Full preparation details will be sent via email
  • Goddess of Light essence
  • A group is 2 or more people
  • Feedback is welcome


If you are undecided whether you need a one-to-one targeted healing you can may choose one of my regular distant Divine Plan healings for one hour which will allow you to ‘Experience the Light’. Allow yourself to bathe in the beautiful Divine light of Mary Magdalen with the healing target being for your highest good.  It is a good way to have an introduction to the light and you may choose to deepen your experience with an essence sent by post to you or by a light transmission.  Taking the Goddess of Light essence will continue your healing for an extended six-week period. Please get in touch with me for further details and dates of ‘Distant Group Healing’s.

All participants should prepare themselves for the healing in the following way

  • Find a quiet undisturbed space where you can lie down and be comfortable.
  • Make sure you have a glass of water beside you and a journal for reflections
  • Cover yourself with a blanket with the intention that you are being surrounded by unconditional divine love
  • I will hold the sacred space and witness the healing for you
  • Healing lasts for one hour. During this time allow yourself to be open to the Divine love being sent to you.
  • Once the healing is complete drink the glass of water – with your essence if taking and now is the time to write down any thoughts about the process
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